To paraphrase the famous author Oscar Wilde: “Be yourself. Every other content strategy is taken.”
Of course, Wilde never knew about blogging or nurturing leads through organic content. If he had, he might have said something like the above - and while it might be an exaggeration to say that every content strategy is taken, he wouldn’t be too far off the mark in today’s digital marketing landscape.Why does this quote from a 19th century writer ring true almost 200 years later?
Simple: Content is becoming saturated. Mark Schaefer proclaimed that we had reached the point of “content shock,” when it would no longer be cost effective for the average business to compete for eyeballs, back in 2014. You can imagine what’s happened since then (spoiler alert: the problem’s gotten worse).
To succeed in today’s landscape of content marketing requires an understanding of three key areas:
Expressed visually, your unique content strategy can be found in the middle of this Venn diagram:
Of course, it’s easy to say that you’re focused on a unique content strategy; to actually put these concepts into practice requires lots of research and a knack for deeply understanding buyer personas.
Why should agencies or marketing consultant’s care?
Agencies who focus on delivering strategy & coaching over traditional (deliverable based) services find themselves in longer, more profitable, more predictable relationships with clients. These three areas of research are the foundational to delivering winning content strategies - so package them up for clients and deliver what they need more: a unique content strategy.
Want to learn more about how you can develop a repeatable process for creating a unique content strategy for clients? Get in touch with us today!